Greens Department
Greens Department
We work every day to improve your experience on the golf course. We continually make updates to the course that we think are necessary and viable. We make every effort to ensure that you are both proud and happy with the course and the set-up each and every day.

Our commitment to golf includes cultivating the golf course and maintaining it as the treasure it already is, which ensures the very best course conditions. We also utilize a new course maintenance technology – deep needle tine aeration. This will be less intrusive for better golf!
Frost is the solid deposition of water vapor from saturated air. It is formed when solid surfaces are cooled to below the dew point of the adjacent air as well as below the freezing point of water. Frost crystals’ sizes differ depending on time and water vapor available. Blades of grass are made up of 90% water. Frost on the grass tells us that the water inside of the blades of grass is frozen. When grass is frozen, traffic on the turf causes the ice crystals on the grass to puncture the walls of the blade, killing the plant tissue. Frost will eventually burn off or melt, depending on sunlight exposure, severity of frost, and varying temperatures. In order to keep the turf alive and at optimal playability, frost delays are necessary and mandatory
Carts are restricted to the cart path when current weather and soil conditions do not lend themselves to cart traffic. These conditions include but are not limited to excessive soil moisture, excessive drought, turf dormancy, or young turf. At the end of the growing season, just prior to dormancy, turf grass growth has slowed to a minimum. The process of dormancy (when the grass turns a beige color) is an attempt to protect the plant from freezing temperatures, frost, snow and other winter damage. While the plant is still alive and well during dormancy, it is not able to recover from damage. Raising our mowing heights, limiting traffic, and implementing the correct agronomic practices can maintain plant health and protect the club’s investment.
The Stimpmeter is a device used to measure the speed of a golf course putting green by applying a known force to a golf ball and measuring the distance traveled in feet. Greens speed will be measured via the Stimpmeter in order to maintain minimum speed objectives. These measurements will be conducted and monitored by the Superintendent and his staff. Weather dependent, a speed between 9-11 is usually maintained to produce healthy greens and optimal playability year round.
Core Aerification is a mechanical process of removing cores of soil profile from the compacted soil, allowing for an infusion of air and water and a resurgence of growth. Core Aerification improves turf health by creating more air space in the soil, improving water infiltration and gas exchange, allowing new sand to be introduced into the soil profile, promoting deeper rooting, reducing compaction, and removing thatch (a layer of organic matter resulting from an accumulation of dead stems and roots; too much thatch can obstruct water, air and gas exchange and inhibit root growth.) Core Aerification is a long, labor intensive project that involves aerification, core removal, fertilizer applications, sand applications, dragging, rolling, and brushing.
Topdressing is the process of applying sand to turf grass surfaces in order to promote plant health and playability. The application of sand promotes a smooth playing surface by filling imperfections or voids left behind by ball marks, cart or foot traffic, and mechanical traffic. Topdressing promotes upright shoot growth, allowing for a better quality of cut and ball roll, protects the plant during the winter, and promotes water infiltration, air movement and gas exchange in the root zone. The sand also helps control thatch by grinding against the organic material. Heavy topdressings are applied after core or solid aerifications to help move the sand down into the greens mix through the cored out holes. These channels of sand will promote drainage, air movement, and root growth.
Greens Venting is the process of creating small holes or voids in the turf, roughly 1/8″ – 1/4″ in diameter. Venting improves gas exchange between the roots and the atmosphere (oxygen is able to easily move to the root zone and gases such as CO2 can be expelled), relieves compaction, improves water infiltration, relieves hydrophobic areas, improves microbial activity and increases drying of the putting green surface. As opposed to the tines that we use to pull cores during our Spring and Fall core aerifications, we use a small, solid tine that creates a small hole and does not remove any greens mix. Greens venting is very beneficial to the turf and is less disruptive during stress periods and to the putting surface than core aerification. The green can be rolled and mowed following venting to provide an enjoyable putting surface the same day.
Light-Weight Rolling is a routine management practice used in conjunction with mowing or alone to provide a smooth, consistent, true putting surface. Rolling is also used to smooth out the putting surface following agronomic practices such as aerification or venting. During summer stress, rolling can supplement mowing to provide quality putting conditions while minimizing labor and mechanical stress. Research has proven that decreased mechanical stress can reduce disease susceptibility and fungicide use.
Verti Draining also called Solid-Tine Aerification is the process of creating holes in the soil profile, roughly 1/4″ – 1/2″ in diameter penetrating 10-12 inches down into the soil. Solid-tine aerification improves gas exchange between the roots and the atmosphere (oxygen is able to easily move to the root zone and gases such as CO2 can be expelled), relieves compaction, improves water infiltration, relieves hydrophobic areas, and improves microbial activity. As opposed to the tines that we use to pull cores, we use a solid tine that creates a hole and does not remove any soil.
Syringing is performed by applying a small amount of water with a ¾ inch hose and a specialty nozzle. Light syringing is utilized to reduce plant-tissue temperatures, provide uniformity throughout the entire green, and/or wash chemicals off of the leaves and into the soil profile. Syringing applies water to the canopy, but is not intended to restore soil moisture, as is deep hand watering or overhead irrigation. A green will typically need a light syringe when greens are under high stress from drought, low humidity, heat or wind. Syringing is one of the most important practices to maintain a healthy putting surface during high periods of stress. Unfortunately syringing disrupts play and can take 2-3 minutes per green. If you see a staff member on a green or other playing surface, please be patient and allow for this vital agronomic practice to be completed before continuing play.